Theatre Review: Shattered Globe's CRIME AND PUNISHMENT
The Dueling Critics, Kelly Kleiman and Jonathan Abarbanel, review Shattered Globe Theatre’s production of Dostoyevsky’s CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.
“I loved it. I love this book. And it’s so exciting to see someone do an adaptation of it that focuses on the theme, rather than on the plot.” - Kelly Kleiman discussing Chris Hannan’s stage adaptation of the CRIME AND PUNISHMENT.
(left to right) Rebecca Jordan, Brad Woodard, Drew Schad, Christina Gorman and Joseph Wiens in Shattered Globe Theatre’s production of CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. Photo by Michael Brosilow.
Shattered Globe Theatre is presenting a new stage adaptation of Dostoyevsky’s classic CRIME AND PUNISHMENT. Adapted by Chris Hannan and directed here by Louis Contey, this new production offers a fresh take on the classic work of literature.
Photo by Michael Brosilow.