Artist Ayanah Moor: Disrupting Ready-Made Narratives
WDCB’s Gary Zidek catches up with Chicago-based artist Ayanah Moor.
“The larger idea that I’m interested in, in the show, is about Blackness and love, and these are these big ideas, but I’m not necessarily taking a position. The freedom that I have to make work that is not reductive, or is not flattened to one idea, is something that I really aspire to do.” - Ayanah Moor talking about some of the large themes being explored in I WISH I COULD BE YOU MORE OFTEN.
Ayanah Moor & CCMA curator Justin Witte observing DOUBLE NEGATIVE at Cleve Carney Museum of Art
Gender, race and language are among the themes explored in the new exhibition, I WISH I COULD BE YOU MORE OFTEN, currently on display at the Cleve Carney Museum of Art. It comes from artist Ayanah Moor. The Chicago-based artist’s work highlights contrasts, combining abstraction geometric shapes and sometimes vintage advertisements.
SOMONE YOU KNOIW. 2018. Ayanah Moor