The Dueling Critics, Kerry Reid and Jonathan Abarbanel, review Timeline Theatre’s KILL MOVE PARADISE.
“It’s in some ways a very dark comedy, in some ways it’s absurdist. There are elements that may remind you of NO EXIT or WAITING FOR GODOT, but it’s rooted in something that’s very real, very pernicious, and very ongoing, and that is the numbers of people, particularly young black men, who are being killed by police officers or other law enforcement in America every day.” - Kerry Reid talking about James Ijames’ KILL MOVE PARADISE.
Cage Sebastian Pierre, Kai A. Ealy and Charles Andrew Gardner in KILL MOVE PARADISE. Photo credit: Lara Goetsch
James Ijames’ play KILL MOVE PARADISE is getting its Chicago premiere at Timeline Theatre. Directed by Wardell Julius Clark, the theatre company describes the production as a “provocative spin on recent events that illustrates the possibilities of collective transformation and radical acts of joy”.
Cage Sebastian Pierre, Kai A. Ealy, Trent Davis and Charles Andrew Gardner. Photo credit: Joe Mazza