

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

Composer & Vocalist Celebrates Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg In Song

Composer & Vocalist Celebrates Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg In Song

WDCB’s Gary Zidek catches up with vocalist Patrice Michaels to talk about the inspiration and creative process involved with making NOTORIOUS RBG IN SONG.


WDCB's Gary Zidek talks to composer & vocalist Patrice Michaels about her musical tribute to Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

“Her values are recognizable to most of us, her work ethic is unbelievable, she really represents what, I think, most of us want America to be. And to be able to see someone persevere and succeed through so much adversity, uplifts us all.” - Patrice Michaels talking about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s icon status.

Vocalist Patrice Michaels singing a piece from NOTORIOUS RBG IN SONG

Vocalist Patrice Michaels singing a piece from NOTORIOUS RBG IN SONG

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg will celebrate her birthday on March 15. The legendary jurist has served on the nation’s highest court for almost 27 years and has shown no interest in slowing down. In fact, Ginsburg’s influence seems to be growing, the Brooklyn-native has transcended the traditional constraints of the courtroom to become a feminist icon and symbol for equality.

What do you get the Supreme Court Justice who has everything? Seven years ago, her adult children commissioned some original music compositions as a gift for her 80th birthday. Chicago-based vocalist Patrice Michaels, who is Justice Ginsburg’s daughter-in-law, was among the people who composed music for the special present. After composing and performing the piece, Michaels was inspired to expand the scope of the original idea, and created an entire song cycle based on Justice Ginsburg’s personal and professional life.


“I thought this really has to be the beginning of a biography in song of her, and who is better positioned to get the material together and try to make it both, family-oriented and have a focus point on her dissenting opinions” - Patrice Michaels talking about the idea to write and compose a song cycle around Justice Ginsburg’s life.

Pianist Kuang-Hao Huang & vocalist Patrice Michaels at WDCB for an interview Gary Zidek

Pianist Kuang-Hao Huang & vocalist Patrice Michaels at WDCB for an interview Gary Zidek

Michaels wrote nine songs, using writings by and about Justice Ginsburg. Eventually, the songs were paired some other Ginsburg-inspired pieces and turned into a recorded album titled, NOTORIOUS RBG IN SONG.

A look inside NOTORIOUS RBG IN SONG album

A look inside NOTORIOUS RBG IN SONG album

“The whole nine songs are very architecturally structured.  We open with a quote from William O. Douglas, and we end with an interview question being answered by RBG. So, the pillars of the two justices speaking is what I was after. She is reflecting on what a Supreme Court Justice should be, and then how to relate to major concerns, such as, the issue of people not getting along with each other, at all.” - Patrice Michaels talking about the inspiration for the final song (THE LONG VIEW, QUESTIONS ANSERED) in the nine-part cycle.


You can find more information about NOTORIOUS RBG IN SONG and Patrice Michaels at patricemichaels.com

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