Duke Ellington's Music Comes Alive On Stage In New Production
WDCB’s Gary Zidek previews Porchlight Music Theatre’s new production of the Duke Ellington-inspired revue SOPHISTICATED LADIES.
“It’s like the perfect project, it’s something that I was really excited, and slightly daunted, you know when you’re working on such iconic music, that everyone knows. (He’s) a composer, musician, artist and an African-American man, who I look up to and admire and respect so much.” - Jermaine Hill, the music director for SOPHISTICATED LADIES, talking about his interest in this production and admiration for Duke Ellington.
Jermaine Hill, music director for Porchlight Music Theatre’s production of SOPHISTICATED LADIES
Porchlight Music Theatre is paying tribute to Duke Ellington with a new production of the music revue SOPHISTICATED LADIES.
Few names loom as large over the history of American music as Duke Ellington. Born in 1899, Edward Kennedy Ellington spent most of his 75 years making music and breaking barriers.
Duke Ellington and his orchestra
SOPHISTICATED LADIES was conceived by dancer and choreographer Donald McKayle in the early 80’s. With a score featuring some of Ellington’s most popular songs, the original SOPHISTICATED LADIES opened on Broadway in 1981.
(Left to Right) Terri K. Woodall and Tristan Bruns in Kinda Dukish from Porchlight Music Theatre’s SOPHISTICATED LADIES. Photo credit: Michael Courier