Life During Wartime: Journalist Pens Memoir
WDCB’s Gary Zidek chats over-the-phone with CNN chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward about her new book, ON ALL FRONTS: THE EDUCATION OF A JOURNALIST.
“It’s always a little bit heartbreaking, you have to learn to accept you can’t really fight the news cycle. There’s certain periods where peoples’ attentions are engrossed in one or two subjects, and it doesn’t matter how great the story you’ve got is, if it’s not one of those couple of subjects it can be very difficult to get people to take the time to invest in it, watch it and absorb it.” - reporter/author Clarissa Ward talking about the challenges in getting audiences to engage with stories.
The valuable roles journalists are playing right now can’t be overstated. In a year where there’s been a pandemic, social justice uprisings and a Presidential election, the need for reliable information is at all-time high. A desire to tell those challenging stories is what led CNN chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward to become a reporter 15 years ago in the aftermath of 9/11. The broadcast journalist has seen a lot over her career working for CBS, ABC, Fox News and now CNN. Those experiences inspired her new memoir, titled ON ALL FRONTS: THE EDUCAITON OF A JOURNALIST.
Clarissa Ward