

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

Chicago Sinfonietta Continues Martin Luther King Jr. Tribute Concert Tradition

Chicago Sinfonietta Continues Martin Luther King Jr. Tribute Concert Tradition

WDCB’s Gary Zidek talks to Chicago Sinfonietta assistant conductor Jonathan Rush about the orchestra’s 2020 MLK Tribute Concert.


WDCB's Gary Zidek previews Chicago Sinfonietta's Martin Luther King Jr. tribute concert.

“I think that’s really the general theme of the MLK concerts, having this hope. And realizing it may not be perfect now, but if we all continue to unite, we keep moving on up, striving on up, we will eventually reach that promiseland.” - Chicago Sinfonietta’s Jonathan Rush talking about the inspiration for the orchestra’s annual MLK tribute concerts.

Chicago Sinfonietta assistant conductor, Jonathan Rush

Chicago Sinfonietta assistant conductor, Jonathan Rush

Chicago Sinfonietta is continuing its annual Martin Luther King Jr. tradition with a pair of tribute concerts on Sunday January 19 and Monday January 20. This year, the orchestra is presenting a program featuring five works. Chicago Sinfonietta assistant conductor Jonathan Rush will be leading the orchestra and his sister, Kymberli Joye through a special rendition of the MLK-inspired song UP TO THE MOUNTAIN.


You can learn more about Chicago Sinfonietta by visiting the orchestra’s website, chicagosinfonietta.org

And check out Jonathan’s website at jonathanrush.com

Jonathan Rush and Gary Zidek

Jonathan Rush and Gary Zidek

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