Suburb Celebrates Women's History Month With Art Exhibit
WDCB’s Gary Zidek tours Wheaton’s WE ARE WOMEN art exhibit.
Wheaton business owners and women artists are coming together to celebrate Women’s History Month with a special multi-site art exhibition. Over 20 women-owned businesses are participating in the WE ARE WOMEN art exhibit. The project is the result of collaboration between the Wheaton Downtown Association and the DuPage Art League.
Artist Danielle Crilly in front of her piece on display at Jeans & a Cute Top
“I think people like to see real, original, unique art by local artists. You can find so much art online now, you can print anything out, there’s duplicates everywhere, but our art is really from people who live nearby, and this is their true, unique, handmade art.” - The DuPage Art League’s Mary Kate Venturini talking about the WE ARE WOMEN exhibition’s popularity.
The DuPage Art League’s Mary Kate Venturini