Serious Moonlight: Jazz Artists Explore Bowie Songs In New Project
WDCB’s Gary Zidek catches up with vocalist Paul Marinaro and Metropolitan Jazz Octet saxophonist John Kornegay about the collaboration that created THE BOWIE PROJECT.
“We just went back and forth about what (the collaboration) would be, if it was going to be a composer or a certain time period. We didn’t have anything set as far as what we wanted the project to be. We both agreed that we wanted it to be a little outside the box. Finally, Jim (Gailloreto) said to me what’s some crazy ideas in your head floating around, and the first thing that popped into my head, I just blurted out, David Bowie!” - vocalist Paul Marinaro talking about the origins of THE BOWIE PROJECT and his early discussions with Metropolitan Jazz Octet.
Paul Marinaro with members of the Metropolitan Jazz Octet
The idea of jazz artists taking on a selection of David Bowie tunes might seem unconventional to some. But the concept excited Chicago-based musicians, vocalist Paul Marinaro and the Metropolitan Jazz Octet. The collaboration between the two parties resulted in the new album, THE BOWIE PROJECT. It features 11 songs, spanning a big swath of Bowie’s decades-long career. The combination of Marinaro’s vocal interpretations and the new arrangements really give the songs a different feel, letting Bowie’s lyrics shine.
The icon, David Bowie.