Balancing Act: Artist Ray Borchers
WDCB’s Gary Zidek catches up with artist Ray Borchers to talk about her new exhibit, COASTING ON NONE.
“I’m able to find the time and the means to create work in a free and flowing way, and it was at the skin of my teeth, I almost didn’t pull it off. I finally found this way to balance my life and make work.” - Artist Ray Borchers talking about the good place she’s in now.
Artist Ray Borchers standing next to MY NAME IS NOBODY (acrylic and graphite on canvas).
Whether it’s playing in a band, creating visual art or designing clothes, Chicago-based artist Ray Borchers has always pursued creative endeavors. But Borchers feels like she’s balancing things better these days and has the time to explore the creative process like never before. Her new solo exhibition, COASTING ON NONE, recently opened at The Dime in Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood.
Three of Borcher’s paintings in COASTING ON NONE.