

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

Who Dis? It's Jessica Campbell

Who Dis? It's Jessica Campbell

WDCB's Gary Zidek catches up with Chicago artist Jessica Campbell to talk about some of her projects including a new gallery show, who dis, & soon-to-be released graphic novel, XTC69.


WDCB's Gary Zidek sits down with artist Jessica Campbell.

"I think the way that technology impacts our lives is sometimes unexamined and putting that into the work potentially forces people to think a little bit more overtly about something that's happening in society that we're not always conscious of" - Jessica Campbell talking about one of the themes of her new show, who dis.

THE CRACK-UP, 2018. Jessica Campbell

THE CRACK-UP, 2018. Jessica Campbell

Campbell's who dis features a series of "carpet paintings" that depict humorous mobile device-related scenes, including a bikini selfie on a broken phone screen (above) and a cab driver watching porn while he drives (below).

PORN CABBIE, 2018. Jessica Campbell

PORN CABBIE, 2018. Jessica Campbell

WATCHING "MY 600-LB LIFE" AT THE GYM, 2018. Jessica Campbell

WATCHING "MY 600-LB LIFE" AT THE GYM, 2018. Jessica Campbell

who dis will be on display at Western Exhibitions through May 26. On the last day of the show, the gallery will host a book release party for Campbell's new graphic novel XTC69.


Writing and drawing comics is another one of Campbell's artistic pursuits. 

Courtesy of Jessica Campbell

Courtesy of Jessica Campbell

Courtesy of Jessica Campbell

Courtesy of Jessica Campbell

You can check out Campbell's bi-weekly Hyperallergic "art world" comics here

Visit Campbell's personal website to find more information about upcoming projects, including a special exhibition coming up later in 2018.

Celebrating the Connections Between Blues & Hip-Hop

Celebrating the Connections Between Blues & Hip-Hop

A Closer Look at "Lyric for Strings"

A Closer Look at "Lyric for Strings"