Abracadabra! Historic Theater Reopens With New Ownership & Programming
WDCB’s Gary Zidek catches up with Dr. Ricardo Rosenkranz, a managing partner and artistic director of the new Rhapsody Theater in Chicago.
“This is exactly that right venue for magic and a whole bunch of different things in music. Like chamber music, because chamber music was meant to be performed in a small intimate space. And this is a great venue for jazz, it’s a great venue for comedy, and for world music. I guess my two passions in art have always been music and magic, and now, somehow we’ve found a way to do (those) in this place.” - Dr. Ricardo Rosenkranz talking about the programming that for the new Rhapsody Theater.
Dr. Ricardo Rosenkranz standing in front of a vintage poster in the upstairs bar at the Rhapsody Theater.