Evanston Man Creates Children's Book Inspired By Love For Jazz
WDCB’s Gary Zidek sits down with Evanston author Jarrett Dapier to talk about his journey to creating children’s books and lifelong appreciation of jazz.
“I still remember the scene vividly, (my daughter) and I were standing at the counter, and I had Benny Goodman on the radio, we were making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, out of nowhere I said to her, ‘you know what we’re having, we’re having jazz for lunch’. I said ‘pit pat the peanut butter’, and I swear without missing a beat, she said ‘slap on the jelly’. And that struck me, jazz for lunch! hey, I like that phrase.” - Author Jarrett Dapier talking about the moment inspiration struck for his new picture book, JAZZ FOR LUNCH.
Author Jarrett Dapier
An Evanston man has authored a picture book that highlights one of his true passions, jazz. Jarrett Dapier is the author of JAZZ FOR LUNCH. The book captures the energy and wonder of a child’s first experience with live jazz, as aunt Nina spends some time with her nephew at a music club and at home making lunch. The idea is in part inspired by Dapier’s own experience as a young boy, when his mom took him and his sister to lunch at the well-known Chicago jazz club, Andy’s.
An illustration from JAZZ FOR LUNCH created by Eugenia Mello