A Conversation With Chicago-based Writer & Director Spenser Davis
WDCB’s Gary Zidek catches up with Chicago-based theatre artist Spenser Davis about being creative in the time of COVID and his new play, THE SPIN.
“I wrote THE SPIN in a week and a half, which was really nice on the surface, but when you consider that, within that there were hours in which I stared at the screen and wasn’t able to write a single word. I think a lot of us, especially artists, are feeling this sense of mental fog right because of everything we’re going though as a country” - Spenser Davis talking about the pandemic’s effects on creativity.
Chicago-based writer & director Spenser Davis
In a year when people have watched theater more on screens than stages, theater creators have had to be innovative. Chicago-based writer and director Spenser Davis was already thinking of a play smaller in scope, knowing production budgets will likely be lower once in-person performances are allowed again, when he was commissioned to create a new streaming production. Davis took his idea for a play about the inner-workings of a political public relations firm and shifted the setting from a hotel room to taking place over a zoom call. That’s how his latest play, THE SPIN, was born.
A scene from Interrobang Theatre Project’s THE SPIN