

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

A Conversation With Chicago-based Writer & Director Spenser Davis

A Conversation With Chicago-based Writer & Director Spenser Davis

WDCB’s Gary Zidek catches up with Chicago-based theatre artist Spenser Davis about being creative in the time of COVID and his new play, THE SPIN.


WDCB's Gary Zidek catches up with writer and director Spenser Davis.

“I wrote THE SPIN in a week and a half, which was really nice on the surface, but when you consider that, within that there were hours in which I stared at the screen and wasn’t able to write a single word. I think a lot of us, especially artists, are feeling this sense of mental fog right because of everything we’re going though as a country” - Spenser Davis talking about the pandemic’s effects on creativity.

Chicago-based writer & director Spenser Davis

Chicago-based writer & director Spenser Davis

In a year when people have watched theater more on screens than stages, theater creators have had to be innovative. Chicago-based writer and director Spenser Davis was already thinking of a play smaller in scope, knowing production budgets will likely be lower once in-person performances are allowed again, when he was commissioned to create a new streaming production. Davis took his idea for a play about the inner-workings of a political public relations firm and shifted the setting from a hotel room to taking place over a zoom call. That’s how his latest play, THE SPIN, was born.

A scene from Interrobang Theatre Project’s THE SPIN

A scene from Interrobang Theatre Project’s THE SPIN

“I was really fascinated in the idea of the people who have to speak to the public on their behalf, the front-facing aides, the PR consultants, the press agents. In my research, I was curious how often those folks, who are essentially their bosses mouth pieces, how often do they believe what they are saying? Do they know that they are lying? And if they do, do they think the lies are for the betterment of the public, so therefore they don’t mind it? Are they unaware? Do they actually believe the lies they’re telling? And by doing their job well, are they potentially allowing bad behavior to continue?” - THE SPIN writer & director Spenser Davis talking about the spin doctors who work for powerful men and the ethical questions he wanted to explore.


THE SPIN is being presented by Interrobang Theater Project online through November 22. You can find more information at interrobangtheatreproject.com. And you can keep track of what Davis is up to by visiting his website at spenserdavis.com

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