

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

The Dueling Critics Review Ike Holter's Latest, RED REX

The Dueling Critics Review Ike Holter's Latest, RED REX

The Dueling Critics, Kerry Reid and Jonathan Abarbanel, review Steep Theatre’s world premiere RED REX.


The Dueling Critics, Kerry Reid and Jonathan Abarbanel, review Steep Theatre's world premiere RED REX.

One of Chicago’s most exciting playwrights has taken aim at the local theater community in his latest work. Ike Holter’s RED REX is the 6th of a 7 play cycle set Chicago’s fictional 51st ward.

A scene from Steep Theatre’s RED REX. Photo credit: Lee Miller

A scene from Steep Theatre’s RED REX. Photo credit: Lee Miller

“I think part of what Ike Holter is addressing here is the idea of how do institutions change. Do you demolish them completely, if you find that they’re no longer serving the community they purport to serve? Or do you find some sort of transformation?” - Kerry Reid commenting on RED REX.

A scene from Steep Theatre’s RED REX. Photo credit: Lee Miller

A scene from Steep Theatre’s RED REX. Photo credit: Lee Miller

A split decision from the Dueling Critics: Kerry recommends it, Jonathan has some issues with the script.

Steep Theatre’s world premiere, RED REX, has been extended through March 16.

Oscars Preview

Oscars Preview

Chicago Jazz Philharmonic Committed to Telling Chicago Immigrant Stories

Chicago Jazz Philharmonic Committed to Telling Chicago Immigrant Stories