It's Paczki Time!
WDCB’s Gary Zidek catches up with Delightful Pastries owner chef Dobra Bielinski to talk all things Paczki.
“What makes a paczki a paczki instead of jelly doughnut or a bismark, is that you eat it for the dough. The dough is supposed to be fluffy, when you bite into it, it’s supposed to spring back. A lot of the jelly-filled doughnuts have tons of filling, but very little dough, and when you bite into it, they flatten out like a pancake, is which is a big ‘no-no’ for paczki.” - chef Dobra Bielinski talking about the what differentiates a great paczki from a not-so great one.
Some of the tasty paczki available at Delightful Pastries
A look inside a glorious paczki made at Delightful Pastries