Dreaming of Going to the Movies: Music Box Continues Holiday Tradition
WDCB’s Gary Zidek catches up with Music Box Theatre general manager Ryan Oestreich to talk about moving the annual holiday double feature to the drive-in and adapting to the state’s pandemic rules.
“There’s not a December without the Music Box Christmas Sing-a-long and double feature, there’s just not for a lot people. So many, many people were really worried that we wouldn’t be able to create that tradition because of COVID, and so we had been planning on a bunch of different ways to bring the tradition alive, depending on where we were with the restrictions. What we came up with for the Christmas double-feature is to go down to Chi-Town Movies Drive-in.” - Music Box Theatre general manager Ryan Oestreich talking about the decision to keep the holiday double-feature tradition going at a local drive-in.
Music Box Theatre general manager Ryan Oestreich