

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

The Dueling Critics Review Red Tape Theatre's Latest, Plus a Conversation About State Funding For the Arts

The Dueling Critics Review Red Tape Theatre's Latest, Plus a Conversation About State Funding For the Arts

The Dueling Critics, Kerry Reid and Jonathan Abarbanel, review Red Tape Theatre’s production of WE ARE PUSSY RIOT (OR EVERYTHING IS P.R.). Later, a discussion about how Illinois’ new capital bill will help certain arts-related projects.


The Dueling Critics, Kerry Reid and Jonathan Abarbanel, review Red Tape Theatre's production of WE ARE PUSSY RIOT (OR EVERYTHING IS P.R.). Plus a discussion about how Illinois' new capitol spending plan will help certain arts related projects.

“These are really messy, chaotic times in which we are living. There’s something to be said for theatre that decides we are going to lean into the chaos.” - Kerry Reid commenting on Red Tape Theatre’s approach to WE ARE PUSSY RIOT (OR EVERYTHING IS P.R.).

(from left to right) Jalyn Greene, Casey Chapman, Emilie Modaff, Dionne Addai, Nora King, Emily Nichelson, Alec Phan, Stephanie Shum in Red Tape Theatre’s WE ARE PUSSY RIOT (OR EVERYTHING IS P.R.)

(from left to right) Jalyn Greene, Casey Chapman, Emilie Modaff, Dionne Addai, Nora King, Emily Nichelson, Alec Phan, Stephanie Shum in Red Tape Theatre’s WE ARE PUSSY RIOT (OR EVERYTHING IS P.R.)

Red Tape Theatre is putting the spotlight on the Russian punk band/activist group Pussy Riot in its latest production, WE ARE PUSSY RIOT (OR EVERYTHING IS P.R.).

(from left to right) Jalyn Greene, Stephanie Shum & Emily Nichelson in Red Tape Theatre’s WE ARE PUSSY RIOT (OR EVERYTHING IS P.R.)

(from left to right) Jalyn Greene, Stephanie Shum & Emily Nichelson in Red Tape Theatre’s WE ARE PUSSY RIOT (OR EVERYTHING IS P.R.)

A split decision from the Dueling Critics: Kerry recommends it, Jonathan has some reservations. Red Tape Theatre’s production of WE ARE PUSSY RIOT (OR EVERYTHING IS P.R.) is running through July 6.

Gary, Kerry and Jonathan also talked about Illinois’ new capital bill, which will provide around $60 million for arts-related projects. The Illinois Arts Council will play a big role in deciding what organizations receive funding.

Chicago Theatre Organization Turns 50

Chicago Theatre Organization Turns 50

Being Jim Gaffigan: 2019 Poised to Be Big Year For Comedian/Actor

Being Jim Gaffigan: 2019 Poised to Be Big Year For Comedian/Actor