2019 Will Be The Year of Chicago Theatre
WDCB’s Gary Zidek talks to Mark Kelly, Commissioner of Chicago’s Department of Cultural Affairs and Special Events about 2018’s Year of Creative of Youth and the upcoming Year of Chicago Theatre.
“It became obvious to me the power of what you can do when you declare it a ‘year of’, so DCASE with modest financial resources, but tremendous assets of Millennium Park, the Cultural Center and maybe, the most important asset of all, we have a bully pulpit, we can galvanize, we can bring people together.” - DCASE Commissioner Mark Kelly, talking about the the city’s recent “year of” designations.
Mark Kelly, DCASE Commissioner
In Chicago, 2019 will be all about what’s happening on stage. A relatively new Chicago tradition of designating cultural themes to celebrate annually is continuing. Two years ago, 2017 was the Year of Public Art, 2018 was the Year of Creative Youth and this year, the city will celebrate the Year of Chicago Theater.
Actor Michael Shannon speaking during Year of Chicago Theatre announcement event
Under the Year of Chicago Theater, the city and its partners will: launch a marketing campaign that leverages a new brand for Chicago theatre; provide additional financial grants to theatre projects; encourage dialog around inclusion and equity; and call on civic, philanthropic, arts and business leaders to support the theatre community.
Other Commitments and preliminary plans include:
Theatre activations and a theatre-themed Film Series throughout the summer at Millennium Park,
Theatre-themed public programs and exhibitions at the Chicago Cultural Center
$200,000 in financial grants to theatres and other nonprofit theatre programs, via the Cultural Grants Program
Theatre displays at Expo 72 (Hot Tix) and the Chicago Cultural Center Welcome Center
A marketing campaign for residents that leverages the new brand for Chicago theatre
And much more