

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

The Music Box Theatre Celebrates the Majesty of 70mm

The Music Box Theatre Celebrates the Majesty of 70mm

WDCB’s Gary Zidek previews the Music Box Theatre’s 70mm Film Festival.


WDCB's Gary ZIdek previews the 2018 edition of the Music Box Theatre's 70mm Film Festival.

The Music Box Theater’s 5th-ever 70mm Film Festival kicks off Friday September 14 and continues through Thursday September 27.


Seventy-millimeter is a bigger type of film, which means more light can be pushed through the projector gate, allowing for enhanced contrast, color, and brightness. Music Box Theatre technical director & 70mm Film Festival programmer Julian Antos compares the difference between a digital projection and a 70mm print to seeing an artwork in a book versus in-person.

An image from LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, one of the movies being screened at the Music Box Theatre’s 70mm Film Festival.

An image from LAWRENCE OF ARABIA, one of the movies being screened at the Music Box Theatre’s 70mm Film Festival.

Each 70mm reel weighs 35 to 45 pounds. And there might be 6 to 12 reels per movie.

The six 70mm reels for THE THING

The six 70mm reels for THE THING

Inside the Music Box Theatre’s projector room

Inside the Music Box Theatre’s projector room

The Music Box Theatre’s Julian Antos threading a 70mm film into a projector

The Music Box Theatre’s Julian Antos threading a 70mm film into a projector

Twelve titles in all will be screened at this year’s festival. For a complete schedule click here.

Image from 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY

Image from 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY

LAWRENCE OF ARABIA and 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY are always crowd favorites. This year’s festival includes some new things, including screenings of a rare 70mm print of YEAR OF THE DRAGON.


The Music Box Theatre’s 2018 70mm Film Festival starts September 14 and ends September 27. For more information visit musicboxtheatre.com

Chicago Symphony Orchestra Kicks Off Season With "Concert for Chicago"

Chicago Symphony Orchestra Kicks Off Season With "Concert for Chicago"

Theater Review: Timeline Theatre's A SHAYNA MAIDEL

Theater Review: Timeline Theatre's A SHAYNA MAIDEL