

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

Hard Not to Compare New PAPILLON To The Original Screen Adaptation

Hard Not to Compare New PAPILLON To The Original Screen Adaptation

WDCB's Gary Zidek reviews PAPILLON.


WDCB's Gary Zidek reviews the new version of PAPILLON.

A new version of PAPILLON is opening in theaters. It's a remake of the 1973 film adaptation starring Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman.

Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman in 1973 PAPILLON

Steve McQueen and Dustin Hoffman in 1973 PAPILLON

The 2018 PAPILLON stars Charlie Hunnam and Rami Malek.


The question a lot of people will ask is ... did PAPILLON need to be remade?

The answer is probably not.  The new adaptation is a fine film, decent performances and strong cinematography.  But it will be natural for people to compare the new film to the original ... and McQueen/Hoffman is a hard acting duo to beat.

Charlie Hunnam as the title character in PAPILLON

Charlie Hunnam as the title character in PAPILLON

The key to the movie is building tension as Papillion prepares and executes his escape plans. Director Michael Noer does an effective job. Overall I think the film-watching experience might depend on your familiarity with the original film or book.

Gary gives the film two ** out of four stars.

PAPILLON is playing in theaters nationwide.

Late Night Cats, Sabertooth Still Going Strong After a Quarter Century

Late Night Cats, Sabertooth Still Going Strong After a Quarter Century

30 Years After Discovery, Evanston Couple Still "Following the Box"

30 Years After Discovery, Evanston Couple Still "Following the Box"