New Book Explains Evolution of the Beer Industry
WDCB's Gary Zidek sits down with Chicago Tribune beer writer Josh Noel to talk about his new book BARREL AGED STOUT AND SELLING OUT: GOOSE ISLAND, ANHEUSER-BUSCH, & HOW CRAFT BEER BECAME BIG BUSINESS.
"American beer drinking habits have completely fragmented. You were a Bud guy, you were a Schlitz guy, you were a Miller Light guy. We don't have guys like that anymore. Tastes have fragmented. That's what happens when you go from fewer than 200 breweries in 1988 to nearly 6,500, which is what we have now." - Josh Noel
Author Josh Noel
BARREL AGED STOUT AND SELLING OUT uses the micro history of Goose Island to tell a macro story about the changing nature of the beer business. Anheuser-Busch's acquisition of Goose Island has changed the industry forever.
Josh Noel