

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

Ernie Watts On Sax

Ernie Watts On Sax

WDCB's Paul Abella sits down with renowned saxophonist Ernie Watts.


WDCB's Paul Abella sits down with saxophonist Ernie Watts.

"There was a certain kinds of devoted, intense energy that I really wanted to get back to. That's the music that I came from, I grew up listening to John Coltrane, I used to listen to John Coltrane until I feel asleep." - Ernie Watts talking about coming back to jazz .


James Brown's SOUL ON TOP was just one of a variety of albums Watts played on.


Ernie Watts will be performing at SPACE in Evanston on Sunday April 22.

Lyric Opera Gets Ready to Rock (Opera) With New Production of JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR

Lyric Opera Gets Ready to Rock (Opera) With New Production of JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR

Review of Raven Theatre's World Premiere THE GENTLEMAN CALLER

Review of Raven Theatre's World Premiere THE GENTLEMAN CALLER