Ravinia Reflections: Longtime President/CEO Welz Kauffman Steps Down
WDCB’s Gary Zidek catches up with Ravinia president/CEO Welz Kauffman as he prepares to step down from the leadership role he's held for the past 20 years.
“A great impresario, a great presenter, which I don’t profess to be, they’re the ones that take care of their audience. They’re looking at the audience, and they presented things that they wanted their audience to like. It doesn’t mean the audience drove everything, but they never forgot the audience.” - outgoing Ravinia president Welz Kauffman talking about his personal philosophy to always think about the audience first.
WDCB’s Gary Zidek and Ravinia president/CEO Welz Kauffman in March 2020 pre-COVD-19