

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

One Thousand and One Stories In 16 Hours

One Thousand and One Stories In 16 Hours

WDCB’s Gary Zidek talks to theatre artist Ida Cuttler about her upcoming workshop presentation, COMFORTABLE SHOES.


WDCB's Gary Zidek talks to theatre artist Ida Cuttler about her upcoming solo performance, COMFORTABLE SHOES.

“It definitely doesn’t give you a chance to second guess any of your writing, because you’re like I have so much time, I can put it all in, we’ll find out what happens. So it’s a big sense of experimentation, a big acceptance of failure, and not knowing what’s going to happen in the moment.” - Ida Cuttler talking about her process getting ready for her new workshop performance.

Ida Cuttler

Ida Cuttler

Ida Cuttler will take the Neo-Futurist Theater stage at 5 am on Wednesday April 3 and tell a story a minute until the show ends around 9 pm.

The show, titled COMFORTABLE SHOES, is a workshop presentation that comes out the Neo-Futurists new works residency program, Neo-Lab. Inspired by the collection of stories titled ONE THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS, Cuttler will tell one thousand and one stories during COMFORTABLE SHOES 16 hour run time. The grand finale of the marathon performance will start at 7:30 pm.

For more information about COMFORTABLE SHOES go to neofuturists.org

Archive Celebrates Goat Island's Legacy

Archive Celebrates Goat Island's Legacy