

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

JEEVES IN BLOOM Review + Remembering John Mahoney

JEEVES IN BLOOM Review + Remembering John Mahoney

The Dueling Critics, Kelly Kleiman and Jonathan Abarbanel, tell WDCB's Gary Zidek what they thought of ShawChicago's JEEVES IN BLOOM. Later, Kelly and Jonathan discuss their favorite John Mahoney memories.

The Dueling Critics, Kelly Kleiman & Jonathan Abarbanel, review ShawChicago's JEEVES IN BLOOM and talk about memories of John Mahoney.

"Actors must not exaggerate too much, they must not telegraph that they know they're being funny, and they must fully respect their characters. And only then, are their words and actions, chortle-out-loud funny" - Jonathan Abarbanel

ShawChicago's JEEVES IN BLOOM continues at the Ruth Page Arts Center through February 26.


Kelly and Jonathan both pay tribute to John Mahoney.

Actor John Mahoney, June 20, 1940 - February 4, 2018

Actor John Mahoney, June 20, 1940 - February 4, 2018

Nina Chanel Abney Exhibition Comes to Chicago

Nina Chanel Abney Exhibition Comes to Chicago

DePaul Art Museum Shines a Light On Artistry of Printmaking

DePaul Art Museum Shines a Light On Artistry of Printmaking