

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

Theatre Review: American Premiere of NELL GWYNN

Theatre Review: American Premiere of NELL GWYNN

The Dueling Critics, Kelly Kleiman and Jonathan Abarbanel, review Chicago Shakespeare Theater’s production of NELL GWYNN.


The Dueling Critics, Kelly Kleiman and Jonathan Abarbanel, review Chicago Shakespeare Theatre's production of NELL GWYNN.

“I love Scarlett Strallen in her Chicago debut as Nell Gwynn. She is sprightly, alluring, honest and naughty all at the same time.” - Jonathan Abarbanel talking about the lead in Chicago Shakespeare’s NELL GWYNN.

Nell Gwynn (Scarlett Strallen) and King Charles II (Timothy Edward Kane) embrace the royal spaniel in Chicago Shakespeare’s production of Nell Gwynn. Photo by Liz Lauren.

Nell Gwynn (Scarlett Strallen) and King Charles II (Timothy Edward Kane) embrace the royal spaniel in Chicago Shakespeare’s production of Nell Gwynn. Photo by Liz Lauren.

A 17th century British folk hero is the subject matter of Chicago Shakespeare’s new production NELL GWYNN. This is the American premiere for Jessica Swale’s 2015 play.

King Charles II (Timothy Edward Kane) rebuffs his advisor Lord Arlington (Larry Yando) in Chicago Shakespeare’s production of Nell Gwynn. Photo by Liz Lauren.

King Charles II (Timothy Edward Kane) rebuffs his advisor Lord Arlington (Larry Yando) in Chicago Shakespeare’s production of Nell Gwynn. Photo by Liz Lauren.

A split decision from the Dueling Critics, Jonathan liked it more than Kelly. Chicago Shakespeare’s production of NELL GWYNN continues through November 4.

New Documentary Series Highlights Stories of Chicago's Art & Design History

New Documentary Series Highlights Stories of Chicago's Art & Design History

Get a Taste of Peru on Chicago's Northside

Get a Taste of Peru on Chicago's Northside