

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

The Arts Section 08/25/24: Artist Ellie Vergura, Network Review + York Theater Turns 100

The Arts Section 08/25/24: Artist Ellie Vergura, Network Review + York Theater Turns 100

On this edition of The Arts Section, host Gary Zidek sits down with artist Ellie Vergura to talk about her first solo exhibit, ARDOR, and her journey to becoming a painter. The Dueling Critics, Kelly Kleiman and Jonathan Abarbanel, join Gary to review a new stage adaptation of NETWORK. Later in the show, Gary catches up with the CEO of Classic Cinemas as one of the company’s theaters prepares to celebrate its 100th anniversary. And I’ll talk to the author of a book that explores Alfred Hitchcock’s complicated relationships with some of his leading ladies.

The Arts Section 09/01/24: Happy Labor Day Weekend!

The Arts Section 09/01/24: Happy Labor Day Weekend!

The Arts Section 08/18/24: Sugarcane Documentary, Second City + Paul Mecurio

The Arts Section 08/18/24: Sugarcane Documentary, Second City + Paul Mecurio