

My name is Gary Zidek. Welcome to The Arts Section. Tune into the radio program every Sunday morning on WDCB 90.9 & 90.7 FM or listen to it online here. I'll be showcasing a variety of arts & entertainment stories.

The Arts Section 12/06/20: Chicago Children's Theatre Trauma Initiative, Music Box Holiday + New Philharmonic

The Arts Section 12/06/20: Chicago Children's Theatre Trauma Initiative, Music Box Holiday + New Philharmonic

On this edition of The Arts Section, host Gary Zidek talks to the artistic director of a local theater company that’s partnered with a prominent research center on developing arts education for young people coping with trauma. The Dueling Critics, Kerry Reid and Jonathan Abarbanel, join Gary to talk about a new multi-media adaptation of the holiday classic A CHRISTMAS CAROL. Later, Gary catches up with Music Box Theater general manager Ryan Oestreich to chat about holiday programming and the state’s new restrictions. And Gary checks in with New Philharmonic maestro Kirk Muspratt to learn more about the challenges of planning and recording orchestral concerts under strict guidelines.

The Arts Section 12/13/20: Joffrey Ballet Adapts + Chicago Company Leading Virtual Tours

The Arts Section 12/13/20: Joffrey Ballet Adapts + Chicago Company Leading Virtual Tours

The Arts Section 11/29/20: Pianist Jorge Federico Osorio + Holiday Theatre Preview (Virtual Style)

The Arts Section 11/29/20: Pianist Jorge Federico Osorio + Holiday Theatre Preview (Virtual Style)